2015 was another stellar year for LatinoRebels.com. The group has just finished up its year-end work, and we are thrilled to report that we will end 2015 with more than 3.2 million pageviews, an average of about 8,767 pageviews a day or 266,666 pageviews per month. This 2015 number is a 113% growth from 2014, when the site received about 1.5 million pageviews.
This year was a year of transitions. We have new leadership, we are in the middle of a new website design and our plans for 2016 are pretty lofty (some would say, “pretty insane”). Still, even with transitions and challenges, our group has always believed in being at the forefront of the Latino digital media space. In 2015, we achieved that.
We would like to thank all the outlets that linked to us or featured us, including The Huffington Post, NPR, CNN, NBC News, El País, BuzzFeed, Mashable, MSNBC, The Boston Globe, Mic, Vox, Mother Jones, Colorlines, The Guardian, Truth Out, Daily Kos, Slate, Remezcla, Daily Mail, Salon, Latina, Latino USA, Feministing, Cosmopolitan, Flama, Metro PR, Daily Caller, CBS San Francisco, Latin Times, Latin Post, Fox News Latino and Drudge.
We would also like to thank our 180+ contributors who continue to produce stories and commentary few in the Latino media space can match.
In closing, we wanted to take a moment and share some of the top LatinoRebels.com posts of 2015. Together, these posts combined for about 60% of all our 2015 traffic, around 1.9 million pageviews. Not bad for a group that really has no staff, a few volunteer editors, a great collective of doers who believe in this site and very little budget. (SIDENOTE: The following list is quite telling, because if the Latino digital media space still believes a topic like Puerto Rico, for example, lacks interest or audience, think again.)
- When a Puerto Rican Wins the Powerball
- A Winning Powerball Ticket Came From Puerto Rico: Let the Ignorance Begin
- #YoSoyRosie: Latina Leaders Demand ABC Apologize for ‘Derogatory Remarks’ About Rosie Perez
- Things White Latinos Are Sick of Hearing (VIDEO)
- Yes, Students Protested in San Juan on May 13 and the US Media Ignored It
- How Luis Muñoz Marín (and His Addiction to Opium) Enslaved Puerto Rico
- The Trumped-Up Story of Trump’s Puerto Rico Statement
- Rep. Gutiérrez Tells US House About Puerto Rico: ‘We Own It. It’s Ours.’
- ‘Illegals’ History Project From North Carolina High School Goes Viral
- King of the Towels: The Torture and Murder of Pedro Albizu Campos
- How to End Puerto Rico’s Public Debt… Right Now
- The Man Who Stole Puerto Rico
- Univision Fires Rodner Figueroa for ‘Planet of the Apes’ Comments Against Michelle Obama
- Cómo Luis Muñoz Marín (y su adicción al opio) esclavizaron a Puerto Rico
- Boricua Twitter Schools the Ignorant About Another Winning Powerball from PR
- Puerto Rican Day Parade Demands Apology from NY Daily News for Photo
- Puerto Ricans Aren’t Real Americans, Apparently
- White Latino Racism on the Rise: It’s Time for a Serious Conversation on Euro-Diasporic Whiteness
- When Racism Against Latinos Gets Recorded (Part II)
- Who and What the Hell Is a White Hispanic?
- A Dominican Immigrant’s Video Just Disrupted the National Conversation About Race and Police Brutality
- A View From Within: How First Generation Salvadoran Americans See Themselves & Why It Matters
- A Friend Like Penn
- Tax All the Fat People: The History of Taxes in Puerto Rico
- The Miseducation of Miss Puerto Rico
- That Creepy Moment When a Colombian Woman Screamed for Trump in Las Vegas
- Why Puerto Ricans Should Not Celebrate the 4th of July
- John Oliver Just Made Voting Rights for U.S. Territories Funny and Relevant
- Just When You Thought Hillary Clinton Couldn’t Hispander Any More, She Did It Again
- Don’t Be a #Penndejo
- Jimmy Fallon’s Trump Validation a #NoMames Sign of Disrespect to US Latinos
- Racism in BOYHOOD Is the Worst KindThe Soldiers of St. Patrick
- The Crazy Ass #NoMames Interview Donald Trump Had with José Díaz-Balart (VIDEO)
- Meet an Immigrant: The Donald Trump Experiment (VIDEO)
- Trump Supporter to Ramos: “Get Out of My Country!” (VIDEO)
We are very aware that the English-language Latino digital space has gotten very crowded the past few years, as more and more sites see the early successes of pages like ours and try to quickly replicate that with more money and staff, so we truly want to THANK ALL OF YOU who are loyal to our site, what we have done for close to five years now and what we plan to do in 2016. Without you, we would just be in an echo chamber, and that’s just not as fun.
¡Gracias, familia!
Con cariño,
Los Rebeldes